Joyvision was founded 2010 by a team of engineers formerly working in the research and development area of TFT-LCD. The company focus is on display technology and digital media. The main products are glasses-free 3D displays, LED video walls, both used in advertising applications, in-or outdoor as well as for exhibitions or other professional applications. The founders and teamleaders already began in 2007 with the development of glasses-free 3D displays. From small display sizes for former mobile phones (2.4”), to tablets and digital photo frames (7″, 10.2″), notebooks (15.4″), TV-sets (21.5″, 26″, 37″) to 110″ video walls (37″ 3X3 video wall) the full spectrum….more
騰騏科技成立於2010年,專注於先進傳播顯示技術;公司成員來自於面板廠研發團隊 是一家以技術背景成立的公司,提供2D、3D、LED、LCD各項影像解決方案 主要產品有LED顯示屏、LED電視牆、裸眼3D顯示器、3D LCD/LED電視牆等,用於廣告傳播、展覽展示、訊息傳遞、……等顯示應用。公司成立前 在2007年就開始投入裸眼3D(又稱裸視3D)的研發,從最小尺寸2.4″手機,7″、10.2″平板&數位相框15.4″筆電,21.5″、26″、37″顯示器 最大到110″(37″ 3X3電視牆);其中涵蓋的技術有….更多內容